What strikes you most about your workplace?
The complexities of the details in the lab really strike me. I knew research would be detailed, but it's the thought and time that go into "shaping" the bird's behavior and even inputting procedures in the system of computers that really surprises me. 
What strikes you most about your colleagues? (remember this is a publicly visible blog)
I'm surprised by how welcoming everyone is, really; which sounds terrible, but I came into the internship with an open mind and no expectations for the I would be accepted. Everyone in the lab is so sweet! I'm able to engage in casual conversation with them, which is really nice. Even though I'm young, I'm able to relate to all of them and that makes me really excited. It seems like everyone in the area of the lab knows each other, which is really great.
What strikes you most about the job you're doing?
I'm surprised how much they'll allow me to do! I'm so excited to be involved in people's research, as well as develop my own tests.
What are you excited about?
Honestly, I'm really excited about everything. The idea of being in the collegiate environment as well as the scientific lab environment is really exciting to me. To be able to get this kind of view into my future is all-around incredible. It'll be really great to see the results of teaching the birds behavior, to record brain activity, and (as terrible as it sounds) I'm stoked to cut into some bird brains. Even sooner, I'm excited to begin "manually shaping" a bird's behavior (bird #767, to be exact). It'll take some extra hours, but the idea of creating an animal's habit is just a little unfathomably exciting to me.
What are you worried about?
At first, I was worried that I'd be completely over my head with all the prior content knowledge I might need for this internship. Now that I've been here for just a few hours, my mentor has made it clear to me that all this knowledge comes from experience and asking questions, so she and her coworkers are prepared for me to be curious all day. My worry now is with all the technological preparation that's coming my way. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it eventually, but for right now the idea of using Lenux (which runs completely on text commands... I think that's what they're called...) is daunting. Overall, the first half of day one has been a success, and I'm stoked to see what's coming next for the next three weeks... and maybe even this summer! For now, I'm off to get my keys to the lab - woohoo!

Annika Moe
5/24/2013 09:39:27 am

This sounds amazing Sophie! I can't wait to hear more about your bird, and more about the studies which you are doing. Don't worry about the tech stuff you come from HTH you will be fine ;) You should name your bird.

5/24/2013 02:39:36 pm

It sounds like they have you doing some super cool stuff and that you're with some really cool people! Do you know what means by which you'll be shaping the bird's behavior?

Also, we should meet for lunch sometime.. :) hahaha. Seriously though!


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    Italicized posts on this page contain sensitive material pertaining to the use of animals in a lab setting.

    Hopper! - Food dispenser regulated by pecking port reward system.

    About the Intern

    Sophie Prime
    Junior (11th Grade)
    High Tech High

    Intern at Gentner Lab, UCSD


    June 2013
    May 2013

